The spas within the Hotel
il nostro reparto termale convenzionatoOur spas are guaranteed:
- Our thermal mud is protected by European patent No. 1571203 which recognizes its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic inflammatory and degenerative disorders mainly of osteoarticular origin
- Our thermal spa facility was classified exceptional first grade by the Ministry of Health
- We are part of the Padua University Monitoring Network which periodically monitors the progress of aging and quality of thermal mud.
The thermal spa section at the hotel can be accessed directly from the rooms in bathrobe. Abano thermal muds have become a European patent medication under a certified and recognized brand:
- They are regulated by the law No. 40 and by PURT
- They are certified as exceptional grade by the Government Decree No. 2501 issued by the Ministry of Health
- Our spa has been approved by the National Health Service for the provision of thermal spa treatments
The spa is located within the Hotel, it can be reached directly from the rooms and it is approved by National Health Service (USSL) and the major health care service providers in Italy.

Hotel Aurora respects the environment
Thermal water once used for its therapeutic purposes (baths, thermal ppols, mud aging tanks), is reintroduced into the thermal plants of the facility still very hot for use as effective heating of the entire Hotel, which features a geothermic plant. A true resource under so many different points of view, a source of renewable energy with no greenhouse gas emissions, which reduces environmental impact to a minimum.